The word depression is thrown around today like a nice warm blanket to fall into. It's used lightly in language. This is a serious subject. I'm not making light of depression or it's existence. I myself was once diagnosed with clinical depression when I was around 19 years old and my doctors taught me how to make my own endorphins for life! And guess, what, it worked. In light of that transformative and empowering perspective, I make room for the observation that perhaps our taught helplessness to help ourselves, our "knowing" that help is a pill away, our focuses and train of thought has produced these depressions, as a society.
In those days, anti-depressants were not prescribed for life. They rather served as assistance while you learned life skills, educating yourself to create a new inner life. My primary doctor and my psychotherapist who was a psychobiologist / hypnotist taught me how to change my own brain chemistry. This would include a regimen of amino acids, exercise, journaling, therapy when needed & educating myself towards a shift in mindset. This not only put the power in my hands but it changed the entire trajectory of my life. People would soon always be asking me what I was so happy about! He would go on to hypnotize me for a year. They taught me a set of skills that I could easily incorporate into my life and daily routine. They empowered me! They also informed me that I should only be on my antidepressant for awhile and I wouldn't need it again as any medications alter your brain chemistry and can cause permanent damage. The real original purpose for medications were for life saving events and to help stabilize until homeostasis can be maintained by natural means. They knew the power of their words and their belief in me. I'm not giving medical advice or saying this applies to everyone's circumstance, however, when it comes to my brain chemistry, I've been most empowered learning what activities, foods, thoughts, attitudes and behaviors affect my neurotransmitters and how I have the power to alter my brain chemistry myself. The moment you start labeling yourself as depressed, you are programming and hypnotizing yourself with your self talk. I'm not saying to push down your feelings, but rather, reframing your thoughts into healthier and more empowering words can immediately change the landscape that you are viewing. This new "view" will also lead to different places in your mind. You will start looking for solutions instead of being defeated. You will get on with your day and life and not be pushed down by your own thoughts. Of course, there are some circumstances where sadness is warranted. However, there are stories of people without limbs and prisoners of war who refuse to be thwarted by outside circumstances and choose to lift themselves up with their thoughts and their power to use their mind. To keep their minds active, many POWs memorized the names of every prisoner in their camp, and repeated them every day so that none would be forgotten. Some worked out complex math problems in their heads, and others made detailed observations of insect behavior. Some would find refuge in visualizing far away lands, loved ones and foods. You see, the mind does not know the difference between imagination and reality. Their FOCUS was not on their immediate situation but was focused elsewhere where they occupied their mind. Where you choose to occupy your mind is of key importance! When focus is on negatives, this does many things neurologically. You are depressing your immune system, you are creating these neurological grooves into the negative, you are stimulating anxiety and stress. There are many studies that prove imagining practicing or weight lifting or learning piano yield the same results as actually practicing. Many professional athletes also use visualization to improve their performance. "Major Nesmeth was captured and became a prisoner of war, where he spent seven years imprisoned in a cage that was 4 and a half feet long and 5 feet tall. During his imprisonment, he saw no one, talked to no one and had no physical activity. For the first few months, all he did was hope and pray for release. He soon realized that he had to find some way to occupy his thoughts or he would go insane. Nesmeth devised a mental program in which he’d play his favorite golf course every day in his mind. He would visualize the experience to the highest level of detail possible. He imagined the clothes he’d be wearing. He thought about the smell of the freshly cut grass and the feel of the warm sun and gentle breezes on his skin. He’d see every tree, hear the birds singing and squirrels chattering, and envision every slope of the course. “The beginning of accomplishing your goals and living your dreams resides in the power of visualization.” Here’s where the story takes an amazing turn. Major Nesmeth was finally released and came back home to America. Physically speaking, his condition had deteriorated as much as you would expect after living in a tiny cage for so long. Even so, soon after his return, he decided to go and play golf at his favorite course. Amazingly, he shot a 74. He hadn’t swung a real club in 7 years and had undergone indescribable physical deprivation, and yet he had cut 20 shots off of his average. Modern neuroscience tells us that our brains are like plastic. They’re able to reshape themselves and continually function in new ways throughout our lives. More importantly, we have the ability to intentionally reshape our brains through our thoughts and experiences. (passage from: Exercise produces endorphins. Easy enough, right? I know a slew of people who are very picky about their exercise, how they do it, what they do, having a trainer, needing this or that. Learning that exercise makes me happy was all the motivation I needed. I just get up in the morning and start moving, walking in place, pilates, aerobics, going for a walk, I just take charge of my day and I enjoy the rush. Just move people. This is "Doing" happiness. People are so picky and overthinking that they get in their own way of taking action! Taking action is the only way to get from here to there. Doing depression is the lack of taking action, being closed off and the refusal to take responsibility for the self by thinking and doing different things to get you to the new you, the happy you. Your self talk is the core of who you are. The relationship you have with yourself will determine your inner life and that radiates out to your outer life. A book called, "What to say when you talk to yourself", by Shad Helmstetter Ph.D is a book that changed my relationship with myself over 30 years ago. I just recently shared it with someone, and they said it changed their life and inner chatter to in less than a month. Awareness alone can make a great impact on your state of mind. Spelling is no accident. The words you speak over your life are magical spells in which you are programming your beliefs, actions and attitudes every single day. If you leave the exaggerated language behind, this alone can change your inner and outer world. No one is getting thrown under the bus or stabbing you in the back. The words ignite your nervous system into fight or flight, raising your blood pressure and presenting a toxic perception to your entire being. Everyone lives within their own mental world where they have their own lives and responsibilities, just like you. To think others actions are all about you and that you are the center of their world is much too much to expect. Do not be pulled into dramas as they do not serve your mind, body and soul. Seeing things will a balanced perspective you reward you with a healthy and balanced physical and mental system. With self talk, many people talk themselves out of things before they even get out of the gate and therefore, talk themselves out of taking any action. It is important not to function off of limiting beliefs. At it's core, this is a scarcity mentality. This is a belief that resources are limited, and there is not enough to go around. A little trick is to think "ALL" and "AND". This will produce an abundance mentality. When you think there is enough, this can help remove conflicting beliefs. Like thinking, "If I do such and such, then I can't do this other thing I want to do". Instead ask, "How can I do this one thing I want to do and this other thing I want/have to do as well". This shifts the entire landscape of your problem. It is no longer a problem and focuses your mind on finding ways and taking action. Much like water through a stream. It doesn't have to find places to go, it just flows there and through! And when a stream of water is rushing super hard, it can cut rock. SKILLS are ways of thinking, methods and coping mechanisms to engage yourself in in order to take control of your inner self. SKILLS can and will intercept your current mindset and replace outdated behavior with more evolved tactics. This can be called growth or maturity. It also allows you to create new neurological connections in your brain encouraging more advanced thinking. Skills can include journaling, exercising, listening to music (this can immediately change your state), talking to a therapist, taking in sunlight, eating whole foods (not processed), hypnotherapy to change your self talk, laughing, singing, re-framing and many many more options than "doing" depression. Depression is hard work. You have to say you're depressed. You have to slump, stay in the dark and not do anything. Watch the news all the time. Don't read anything new, don't try anything new or be open to anything and by all means, don't listen to something new or open your perspective. You could accidentally educate yourself into happiness.
In today's competitive business environment, employee retention is crucial to the success of any organization. Retaining employees is not only cost-effective, but it also ensures a stable and productive workforce. Employers have realized that viewing employees in a holistic manner is the most realistic perspective. By cultivating an employee with a healthy growth mindset, this ultimately will be serving the employers bottom line.
Employees are people and people have problems. People tend to feel isolated in their pursuit to address issues. The effects from this further infects a company by affecting many areas of an employees well being, ultimately compromising their work performance. When these problems can be readily addressed as they arise, this results in overall health for the employee and company alike. Happy and well adjusted employees results in a better bottom line for the company just by showing up as a more productive and stable employee. Empowering employees cascades in multiple layers through the fabric of the company, contributing to a smooth running operation. Many companies are turning to alternative, results oriented methods to improve employee morale and satisfaction, and one such method is hypnosis. In this article, we will explore why hypnosis can help companies improve their bottom line by cultivating a healthier overall employee. In a rather expedient time frame, hypnosis breakthrough session can transform an employee, catapulting them from a potential liability and into an asset. This is risk management at it’s best. Before we delve into the benefits of hypnosis for employee retention, it's important to understand what hypnosis is. Hypnosis can help the subject change their behavior, thoughts, or emotions through several transition methods that places the subject in a receptive nonjudgmental state. Hypnosis has a surprisingly robust scientific framework. Clinical research has shown that it can help relieve pain, anxiety, insomnia, weight loss and aid smoking cessation, to name a few of it’s long list of applications. People can even use hypnosis to manage stress, cope with life’s challenges, and improve their physical and emotional health. It can help individuals to better regulate their feelings and behaviors. Imagine if these weak link elements in the workforce can be catapulted into a positive outcome by enhancing unearthed abilities within the employee. Stress and Overall Health: 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress, with 25% saying their job is the number one stressor in their lives. (The American Institute of Stress, It’s no secret, the impact that stress can have on an employees work performance, priorities and productivity. Stress causes an imbalance of neurotransmitters. Stress and anxiety can have a significant impact on an employee's well-being and job performance. Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Seeking medical intervention for stress often involves treating with mood altering drugs which slows down brain activity which may cause some people to be agitated, irritable, or display other abnormal behaviors. It may also cause some people to have suicidal thoughts and tendencies or to become more depressed without ever addressing the core causes of stress. Hypnosis can provide a shift in perception, resourcefulness and a refreshed subconscious attitude which is a safe, drug free and acts as a long term solution as a shift in the mindset. Hypnosis can help employees reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and reducing negative thought patterns as well as helping employees obtain certain work performance goals. This can lead to improved job satisfaction and a lower risk of burnout. Improved Job Satisfaction and Motivation: Hypnosis can also help improve job satisfaction and motivation. By working in harmony with the subconscious mind and making suggestions to the unconscious, a hypnotist can help employees develop a positive attitude towards their work, increase their confidence, and set achievable goals. This can lead to improved performance and productivity in a sales role, management role or any position. Enhanced Performance and Productivity: Hypnosis can also help employees improve their performance and productivity by increasing their focus, concentration, and creativity. By tapping into the subconscious mind, a hypnotist can help employees access their full potential and overcome limiting beliefs. Improved Work-Life Balance: Hypnosis can also help employees achieve a better work-life balance. By reducing stress and anxiety, employees can feel more relaxed and rejuvenated outside of work, leading to a better work-life balance and improved overall well-being. How Companies Can Incorporate Hypnosis into Employee Retention Programs There are several ways that companies can incorporate hypnosis into their employee retention programs: Human Resources: Performance improvement plans and similar interventions undermine the supportive role that effective management plays in an employees work life. These interventions fail to account for the mental and emotional processes that contribute to motivation and success. Most, if not all utilized interventions focus on the problem behavior which only reinforces it. This ultimately backfires and leaves the employee demotivated and powerless to make the desired changes. This proves ineffective for both employer and employee alike, exhausting personal and financial resources within the organization. Incorporating a Success Mind Set Breakthrough session actually optimizes the employee strengths and can realign them with their true motivations to succeed. Sales Kick offs and Corporate Events: Sales kick offs revolve around motivational talk to inspire reaching goals; offering prizes, trips, recognition and bonuses. For some, these are motivation enough and for others, this kick off, kicks off anxiety, stress and self-doubt as it reinforces the daunting task ahead of them. Providing a hypnosis Success Mind Set breakthrough session to your sales force can provide that competitive mental edge to empower them, give them confidence and truly launch their year. Innovative Wellness program: Companies provide health fairs, team building activities, lunches, motivational emails, picnics, gym memberships, pool tables in the lounge, and numerous incentives to encourage overall wellness. As a monthly drawing, prize or therapy alternative, Hypnosis serves as more than encouragement, and in a tangible way is helping that individual to tap into their personal best. Professional Development / Management Training / Team Building: An employees mindset is where everything about them begins. By clearing out negatives and priming the mind with a clear(ed) objective, this allows their true motivations and to become a driving force and provide a new subconscious attitude. Hypnosis is solutions oriented and provides the employee an active partner in discovering the power of their own mind. Furthermore, this enables an employee to become resourceful and maximize their potential without being co-dependent in ongoing coaching or therapy. Whether it is a referral or an integrated product in a company wellness program, hypnosis will provide unfolding benefits contributing to the overall health of the employee more-so than any other intervention. Hypnosis is an economical and expedient solution if you choose the right Hypnotherapist to partner with. This Hypnotherapist should be a specialist in success mindset outcomes, providing breakthrough sessions where change is occurring within one session. It is imperative that they have multifaceted training from an accredited hypnosis college, are a trained NLP practitioner and specialize in accelerated hypnosis so they can maneuver with what the employee presents to them during the session. Visionary leaders typically see that it’s the people inside the company that turns the wheel, and providing support to fortify employees is what proves ultimately beneficial for the bottom line. written by Marlo Shay Boutte’ Marlo Boutte’ is a Results Specialist trained in Accelerated Hypnosis, NLP and Hypnotherapy through the Accredited Hypnosis Motivational Institute serving minds in the hypnotic capacity since 2010. She’s worked for Anthony Robbins Success Media, Yellow Book USA and Oblivion Records in Sales, Marketing, Promotions and Publicity roles. Her company Brain Trance Formations has the mission to help transform and educate people to realize the power of their mind, She may be reached at (702)588-8045 or for more information visit We're each an individual. Wouldn't you agree? Just think about it. There is no one like you. As much as this is a compliment it also means that when someone needs help, there is no one size fits all. I mean, that doesn't make any sense. We all have unique minds, unique pathways through life, unique experiences as we see them through our own minds eye. As much as someone may be able to relate to you, nobody has had your experiences except you. This means we each create and view our problems uniquely, therefore, that's how they should be lifted and sculpted to the individual.
Smoking is no different than any other vise that we learn to cling to. We have some story. An event or series of events that led us to conclude that smoking fit very well into our lives and benefitted us. This is how habits become habits. Then, at some point, we don't like them anymore or they don't serve us. Someone needs to send the memo to your subconscious mind because as far as they're concerned, it's all good. And you can bet that the resistance is great because it has greatly benefitted you one way or another. You need a way to cut through all the bull and go straight to the source by passing the resistance. This is why replacing an old bad habit with a new one, doesn't work. It's not really getting to the core of the problem which lies somewhere way back in that mind of yours. It also further denigrates your identity and makes you feel worse about yourself, because you're not really tackling the issue. All of these cascading effects play a horrible trick within your mind and can deteriorate through many areas of your life and self worth by making your goal of quitting seem so hard. "I've tried everything!", you say with hopelessness, distraught at how you're going quit smoking for a third time and try to get motivated when your old you, smoker self, feels so comfortable like a glove. You've basically given up. You dread having to deal with cravings, weight gain, patches, weaning off, multiple sessions, learning, hoping, trying, praying. Well, back to square one. YOU are an individual and you need assistance that is for you and you only. Your mind is unique. This is what helps you do the wonderful things you do and this can include quitting smoking. For a discovery call to see how I can help. Hypnosis and insomnia are two terms that are often mentioned together, but what is the relationship between the two? Is hypnosis a treatment for insomnia, and if so, how does it work?
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep. It can cause a range of symptoms, including fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and a lack of energy. Insomnia can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, depression, and poor sleep habits. Inadequate sleep duration has been linked to 7 out of 15 leading causes of death in America—including cardiovascular disease, cancerous tumors, cerebrovascular disease, accidents, diabetes, septicemia, and high blood pressure. We live in a society that is in constant stimulation between phones, television, internet and the busy bee way of life. We are constantly in fight or flight mode and in some of us, our bodies have forgotten how to "turn off" at night, just like some of us forget to turn off our computers. This is an important task for your computer and yourself. If you don't turn off your computer and remain on the internet, your computer continues to collect data, virus' and spam that is attaching to your computer. We need to get back into the rhythm of the days where we were exhausted at night, fell into a relaxed state and fell asleep for the night, knowing that we can pick up the next day with a fresh perspective. Now-a-days, we tend to run just like the computer, 24/7. It's easy enough to jump on the internet in the middle of the night to research the ideas we're thinking of and to fix the problems we're trying to solve. Whether you're jumping on the computer or just jumping to thoughts, these are habits we develop that are learned states and coping mechanisms that in the end, are compromising. Yes, we, like a computer, can be programmed and our brain does what we tell it to do. This is good and bad news. For one, we are not a computer. We actually need sleep, more specifically, restorative sleep. This is sleep where we sleep through the sleep cycle all the way through REM sleep and experience a full nights rest. Our body, mind and soul needs this sleep to repair, physically and mentally, so that we can be our best selves the next day. Without it, over time, our body's and minds can and will pay a big price with our mental and physical health. The good news is, just like a computer, we can program ourselves to get back to restorative sleep and make a big difference in our lives, perhaps saving our minds, moods, health and life. Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. It is often induced by a trained hypnotherapist, who uses techniques such as relaxation and visualization to help the individual enter a trance-like frequency. In this state, the person becomes more open to suggestions and may be more receptive to making changes to their thoughts, behaviors, and habits. I know from personal experience what sleep deprivation is like. I've experienced it in a way where my thoughts kept me up. I've experienced it in a creative way, when I lived by myself and would pop up in the middle of the night with a new song running through my head and I would have the freedom to work on it in the silence of the night. That was the last time sleeplessness proved uplifting and productive for me. What once was the lure and seductiveness of being creative in the darkness of the night would turn into quite the night time tale. I'm also a mother and from the very moment I became pregnant, I began losing sleep. I didn't realize I was pregnant, I thought something was wrong with me due to my extreme stomach pain. For about a month I was in and out of the emergency room, doctor visits and of course, not sleeping very well. Thanks to the 99 cent store, I found out I was pregnant. From the beginning I was uncomfortable and had trouble sleeping. Once my baby came, she had colic and we would stay up much through the night trying to comfort her to go to sleep. I didn't take the advice "sleep when your baby sleeps" and my deprivation grew and grew. Due to her acid reflux, she couldn't sleep laying down so I sat up in a chaise lounge we had so we could both get some sleep. Then the normal nightly feedings took hold of the night. Until my daughter was about 10, she continued to experience nightly night terrors and nightmares, which I would awake for her comfort. Needless to say, I wasn't myself. I was a somewhat zombied version of who I once was hidden behind a mask of content. I couldn't think or concentrate and felt overwhelmed by everything because I had less than half a mind to cope. I felt trapped in a cloud inside myself and saw no way out to rescue myself. I continued my schedule of nutrition and working out, but you can't fool the body. After many years I felt worse. I was clumsy. I hyperextended both of my arms and legs. This was a clear sign that my body was breaking down but when I went to the doctor they just wanted to prescribe me drugs. It got to the point where one day after I dropped my daughter off at school, I felt dizzy and weak and knew I couldn't drive home. I went to the nurses office and called my husband for help. As it turned out, I had an iron deficiency. I continued on in the same way for years until I finally made the decision that sleep had to be a priority because without health there is nothing. It was a long and winding road back and now I realize I should've prioritized it much sooner as the heart palpitations and bodily cues were giving me signs as to my ill health. There is evidence to suggest that hypnosis an effective treatment for insomnia. One study found that hypnotherapy was effective in improving sleep quality and reducing the amount of time it took to fall asleep in individuals with insomnia. Other research has found that hypnosis may be helpful in reducing anxiety and stress, which are common causes of insomnia. There are several ways in which hypnosis may help to improve sleep. First, hypnosis can help to relax the body and mind, which can make it easier to fall asleep. Second, hypnosis can help to reduce negative thoughts and beliefs about sleep, which can interfere with the sleep process. Finally, hypnosis may help to change behaviors and habits that contribute to insomnia, such as staying up late or using electronic devices before bed. In conclusion, hypnosis may be an effective treatment for insomnia instead of utilizing prescriptions for sleep which in the end, studies have shown may not even help with sleep. They can lead to dangerous sleep habits and unconscious activities while leading to a possible addiction. Hypnosis can help to relax the body and mind, reduce negative thoughts and beliefs about sleep, and change behaviors and habits that contribute to insomnia. If you are interested in trying hypnosis for your insomnia, it is important to work with a trained hypnotherapist. It is the safest and most effective way to get to finally get some sleep! |
marlo boutte'Marlo. Some call her Miss Bootay, Miss Marlo, Bootay but she's just a spirit living in this world, seeing what's here. She's mostly an observer who likes to jump in once in a while and participate in a big way, singing, writing, hypnotizing and sharing thoughts to lift up those around her. Archives
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